St. Gereon in Köln, built by Peter Hartel

In my opinion, Peter Hartel, Sauerland, Germany, is the best Anchor builder living today, and fully the equal of the legendary greats of the past, like Ernst Meyer-Margreth, Hans Ludwig, Karl Lufsky and Switzerland's Edouard Wyttenbach.  Peter's specialty is reproducing the Romanesque churches of Köln.  Peter has sent me pictures of many of them, and these pictures will be shown on this web page from time to time.  I have chosen his construction of St. Gereon because he gave me a few pictures of his internal arching technique.  Because, like real stones, Anchor stones are of limited size, it is necessary to use arches to roof-over large structures.  Please note that no glue is used, only the forces of compression and gravity hold up the structure.  People often ask: "how did you do that?"  Here Peter Hartel shows how it is done, and don't think it is easy.  I also have a picture of a collapse, with several thousand stones spread over the partially finished building.  Peter Hartel is one of many excellent Anchor builders still making beautiful structures with Anchor building stones.

You can expect these pictures to be changed about once a month. I will not repeat the same builder immediately, but you can expect to see some additional Romanesque churches of Köln in the near future.

The south view of the St. Gereon Church on Christophstraße.  The building is about 50 inches long.

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The large tower had to be arched.  The inner arch span is 11 inches, including the center stone which has no support other than the sidewise pressure of the eight arch stones.  Well done, Peter!

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Again we see some of Peter's innovative construction methods.

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